Dear potential woo-er, welcome to August, the month dedicated to celebrating the warrior woman in your life.

Times might be a bit tough at the moment, especially for your lady love. Perhaps she’s been feeling a tad overwhelmed by her job, the constant kiddie complaints, household maintenance, and so forth. She may be vigorous in her daily demeanour, there is no doubt, but sometimes she also needs a day or two for herself. So, if you’ve picked up on signs of fatigue and she wakes up and goes to bed frazzled, not dazzled, now is a perfect time turn up the TLC dial and woo her socks off!
- Spa Day: Considering gifting her with a day of R&R? Well, you’re in luck! Mbali Spa at Mount Amanzi has the perfect Spa Special, valid for the month of August, check it out here
- Swooning and Honeymooning: How about eloping to Mount Amanzi for a weekend? Show your lady love how much she means to you and whisk her away for some time away from work, the kids, the same old routine and reconnect with a romantic weekend alone.
- Don’t want to venture out yet? That’s not a problem and totally understandable. Why not show how much you appreciate her by announcing your weekend takeover – run her a bubble bath, make dinner, pick out 3 of her favourite movies and treat her to her favourite meal for Sunday lunch!
- Simply ask: There is no harm in asking her what she wants to do, just don’t let her say “nothing!” Why not spend the weekend doing things that she’s wanted to do but has been putting off for some time? Encourage her to get started with that passion project that’s been on the back burner or that book that she’s been wanting to read but hasn’t had the time. Remember, even the smallest gesture can go a long way!

Take this time to appreciate the lady in your life and turn away her woes with the art of the woo.
For more information, visit our website here